Sesión 3 (Canción) Sangay Tshomo21 ago 20181 Min. de lecturaActualizado: 9 sept 2018CLASE- QUE HE APRENDIDO YO- CONEXIÓN PERSONAL Nombre: Sangay Tshomo Fecha: 16 august 2018Alfabeto Today in the class we sang song and find some words that are filmier to us and translate it to Spanish. Example like distintos means different..A-I learned the word starting with A, Antónimo, which means the opposite B- I learned an alphabet B in my Spanish class C- I learned the word starting with C, cognado, which means ¨cognate ¨D- I learned the word starting with D, diferente which means ¨different ¨
CLASE- QUE HE APRENDIDO YO- CONEXIÓN PERSONAL Nombre: Sangay Tshomo Fecha: 16 august 2018Alfabeto Today in the class we sang song and find some words that are filmier to us and translate it to Spanish. Example like distintos means different..A-I learned the word starting with A, Antónimo, which means the opposite B- I learned an alphabet B in my Spanish class C- I learned the word starting with C, cognado, which means ¨cognate ¨D- I learned the word starting with D, diferente which means ¨different ¨